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Anal sex?

Highly likely in one of the later chapters

Will you release a download version for the game?  Seems like android has problems running the game.

Sure thing. I'll need some tiem to prepare the builds. I'll hit you up when it's live.

Just to check, did you also try this link?

It should be playable in browsers, works on chrome and firefox, even on mobile.

Thanks for the reply. I've tried the link and it seems that the writing is cropped at certain areas so I can't read everything. It was also a big sluggish. 

I'll try it again tho.

Thanks for reporting it. I'll see if I can fix it.

And the android apk should be ready in a day or two.


Hi, apologies for the delay,  here's a new build of Lucy's Game for web, android, and windows.

Let me know when you have a chance to try it out and if it works for you now.

(1 edit)

I just started at the party and let me say that you've got a charming game so far.

Just finished and I'm wondering will we get to choose if our character is a guy/gal or will we never see them so  it will be left to our imagination?

Hah, interesting suggestion to make the main character neutral. I never thought of that.

The current plan is to have a male playercharacter, although never revealing his face. In later chapter there will be H scenes so you'll see male and female bodies. Also, there's a lot of dirty talk in the next chapter that requires a male character.

But the ideas is interesting, I might play with it in one of the later games I have in my to-do folder. I'm trying to keep the sscope managable for this one. I'd also like to try a female player/MC.

Thanks for the feedback, glad to hear you enjoyed it.